






Lake Creek Norway Park Creek Fish Passage AGC Award Winner

Article Details

February 3, 2025
Faber Construction
Highlighted Projects

At Faber Construction, we take pride in delivering infrastructure solutions that support both communities and the environment. Our expertise in civil construction, roadway improvements, and environmental restoration helped bring the Lake Creek & Norway Park Creek Fish Passage project to life.

This project, completed in partnership with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), aligned with the 2013 federal injunction requiring the removal of state-owned fish barriers by 2030. We are honored that this effort has earned our third AGC Build Washington Award, winning in the Highway/Transportation: $5M - $15M category.

About This Project

This $6.5 million project removed fish barriers along State Route 9 (SR 9) near Lake McMurray in Skagit County, WA, replacing outdated culverts with two new fish-passable structures. These improvements support unimpeded fish migration, stream restoration, and long-term roadway durability.

Culvert Replacement
Removed existing failing, undersized, impassable culverts.
Installed two new 3-sided concrete culverts fish-passable structures for unrestricted aquatic fish passage.
Stream Realignment
Redirected and restored creek flows to enhance habitat connectivity.
Retaining Wall Construction
Built structural Mesa block retaining walls to reinforce roadways and prevent erosion.
Roadway Reconstruction
Excavated and rebuilt sections of SR 9 to integrate new culverts.
Re-Paved SR-9 with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in multiple lifts with a minimum thickness of 9-inches for a durable roadway surface.
Installed guardrails and pavement markings to enhance safety.
Erosion Control & Environmental Protection
Implemented erosion control measures to prevent sediment runoff.
Worked with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife to establish an in-stream work window and bypass stream flows.
Restored stream banks with native vegetation.
Traffic Management
Maintained safe travel routes with a traffic control plan.
Completed a two-week, 24/7 closure of SR 9 at Norway Park Creek to expedite work.
Installed an engineered bypass roadway, utilizing a Redi-Rock retaining wall system, to allow for continued passage on SR-9 while work was performed at Lake Creek.
Geotechnical Solutions
Partnered with WSDOT to implement cost-saving, value-engineered designs.
Installed rigid inclusions at Lake Creek and over-excavation at Norway Park Creek to stabilize soils.

Innovative Solutions & Value Engineering

Faber Construction’s civil team’s experience and expertise with skewed culvert designs led to several design improvements, saving WSDOT money and time on this project. Some larger Value Engineering (VE) items Faber was able to find and implement included changing the proposed jet grouting to stabilize soils under both culvert sites and install bag/shotcrete walls, and instead utilizing rigid inclusions at the Lake Creek fish passage and over-excavation at the Norway Park fish passage. This redesign also included the installation of a MESA block wall in place of the bagwalls/shotcrete. With the success of our team’s design ideas, WSDOT has changed standard designs to offer block wall wing walls for future projects.

Another project issue which led to Faber offering innovative solutions was reflected in a bypass roadway design. Initial plans provided design for a bypass roadway to be built at the Lake Creek fish passage in order to minimize closures along SR-9. When Faber modeled this design, utilizing CAD software, it was clear that the bypass roadway would encroach on the proposed culvert’s excavation area. As WSDOT was limited to available easements and wetland restrictions, the bypass roadway could not be moved. Faber offered a solution to build up an engineered Redi-Rock wall roadway to allow for the installation of the bypass route without encroaching within the roadway. This quick solution allowed for the continuation of the project within the allotted WDFW fish window.

The above-mentioned items are a few cases in which Faber’s ability to look ahead and offer ingenuity were showcased; however, this project had several similar instances along the way. These instances stemmed from working around existing utilities, navigating unforeseen site conditions, building meaningful relationships with the surrounding neighbors/community, and navigating force majeure issues such as wildfires along the pass and roadway accidents.

Commitment to Safety

The safety record for Lake Creek & Norway Park Creek Fish Passage was excellent to the point that all personnel came home safe, and no environmental issues were noted. As part of this project, Faber had to remove large trees, install 40,000LB culvert sections utilizing cranes, navigate differing traffic conditions, and work multiple crews around the clock to meet tight shutdown windows. Faber completed all work without issue which is a testament to the culture of safety that Faber upholds.

Our commitment to safety was reinforced through weekly safety meetings, regular visits from both external safety consultants and our own company safety officer, and immediate corrective action whenever improper practices were observed. These actions were promptly addressed with the entire site crew to prevent recurrence. In addition to weekly subcontractor meetings and owners' meetings, we ensured that all teams were aligned on both safety protocols and project timelines, allowing us to work safely and efficiently together.

Overcoming Challenges & Maintaining Efficiency

This project required complex coordination due to:

  • Existing utilities requiring rerouting.
  • Unexpected site conditions demanding on-the-spot adjustments.
  • Community engagement to minimize neighborhood disruptions.
  • Force majeure events, including wildfires and roadway incidents.

Faber’s ability to adapt quickly and problem-solve ensured on-time project completion while maintaining the highest construction standards.

Delivering Lasting Impact

The Lake Creek & Norway Park Creek Fish Passage project successfully:

  • Restored vital fish habitats, aligning with environmental mandates.
  • Strengthened roadway infrastructure, improving longevity.
  • Enhanced traffic flow and pedestrian safety in the community.

Proudly Building a Sustainable Future

At Faber Construction, we’re committed to civil infrastructure that serves both people and the environment. With every road, bridge, and waterway project, we push for innovation, efficiency, and long-term impact.

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Washington State Fish Passage Construction